Gearing up with SWO13 staff

2012 Summer Staff We are in full swing at SWO right now getting ready for the Summer Programs. We have more students on the books to attend Snowbird Summer Camps and programs than we have ever had at this point in the year. We hit the 99 percent mark in our SWO camp registration numbers last week, and our SMO missions program is at 85 percent.  The OLD School program is up as well.  There is a lot to do to get ready for Summer,  but nothing as big or as important as the selection, training, and assigning of our summer staff.

Many of you have served on SWO summer staff, and you know the depth of impact that our staff have on the students and leaders that we minister to. This year we have staff from all over the world. From Malawi to Canada to Sweden, and from more than 20 states in the U.S, over 100 seasonal summer staff have applied, been selected, and committed to spend 12 weeks here this summer. We are preparing for our orientation weekend, which is coming up in a few weeks. On April 12-14 the SWO13 staff will come in for a weekend training event, which will focus on ministry philosophy and discipleship.  There is nothing that we put more effort into than the spiritual growth and development of our staff.  If these guys are being ministered to and maturing in their individual walks with the Lord, then student ministry will be most effective.

Please pray for the SWO13 staff as God uses them in the lives of the thousands of students who will come through this summer.  Pray for them now as the Lord is preparing them for all that He is going to do through them.

This summer will be life-changing for more than just students who attend.