Adoption update
I wanted to give everyone an update on the Ugandan adoption. We have been completely blown away by the support that we have received on this. We completely stepped into this thing by faith, trusting that The Lord would provide for our financial needs. At the same time, we want to do our part and give some things up as a family so that both Little and Me, as well as all three of our kids, are taking an active part in this whole process. One of the sweetest things that I have experienced through this process has been my little Lailee Mae (7 yrs old) handing me a letter with three wrinkly one dollar bills in it. She had been hanging on to those bills for a while, praying about what to do with them. She had written the words, “Ugadda adopshon." Pretty cool.
We have seen gifts come from close friends and ministry partners, as well as complete strangers who have felt the call by God to give to this. Praise The Lord for the obedience and faithfulness of His people. Thanks to all of you who have given faithfully and also, thanks to everyone who is praying for us and for our boys.
There is one new development that we wanted to share. Originally we thought that we were being referred to two brothers, ages 4 and 5. It turns out that the boys are actually not related, and they are both 5 years old. We are excited regardless, but we are learning what a challenge it can be in working with a third-world government agency. We know that God has picked these two little guys out for our family to raise, and we have recently gotten to see pictures of them, and even learned their names! For now, those things are confidential, but we will share as soon as we are able.
Please continue to pray, and ask The Lord to give us wisdom as we move forward in this process. It has already been a great growing experience for us as a family. We can’t wait to see all that The Lord has in store for us and our newly expanding family.
Not surprisingly, Kilby has already requested that we pursue an Indian adoption when this is all finalized.
Good to know my Passport is up for renewal this year…