Fools for Christ's Sake

1 Corinthians 4:10 — “We are fools for Christ’s sake…”

I have gotten some funny comments over the “What is the Gospel?” video that was put out for the upcoming Solid Rock Revival. I have had people tell me that I look crazy! I couldn’t help but think of Paul’s words to the Corinthian church. If he was out of his mind, it was for the sake of the Gospel! That particular video was, actually, pretty unscripted. When the film crew set up the basement scene, they asked me to have a seat in the chair and to answer the questions they would ask. The first question was “What is the Gospel to you?” You can hear it pretty good in the video. My response was just reactionary. I do think that one of the problems in the Church in America is that we try to negotiate the Gospel and the terms of our Christianity.

Christ makes demands that are not negotiable. The Kingdom of God is NOT a democracy.

Watch the Video for Solid Rock Revival.

Check out more information.

GospelBrody Holloway